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Wayne Dalton
Arrow Tru-Line

Another blockbuster acquisition!

Blockbuster Acquisition

Whoa. This is BIG news: The largest residential garage door manufacturer in the U.S. has purchased the nation’s largest manufacturer of rolling doors.

How did this happen?

What does this mean?

To get answers, we went straight to the two executives who were involved in the acquisition. Read on.

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Editor’s Pick!
The man who used to trust Sears

Former Sears Fan

The new network of dozens of Sears Garage Door franchises throughout the U.S. is ticking off some customers.

This 85-year-old man, a former Sears fan, is one of them.

If you read only one story in our entire summer issue, read this one. It includes four Sears invoices that you’ll want to read very closely.

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Genie wins “hottest new product” at Expo

Hot Product from Genie

In our 13th annual survey, dealers clearly felt that Genie’s new opener was indeed the “hottest new product” on display at Expo in Las Vegas.

In second place was a new residential garage door, followed by another new opener from another manufacturer.

We have photos and descriptions of these hot products, along with details of this exclusive dealer survey right here.

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New grille wins R+T’s innovation award

Innovation Winner

A “new grille”??

What could possibly be new about a rolling grille?

This new invention from the Netherlands (!) captured the coveted Innovation Prize for the entire category of doors and gates at R+T 2018 in Germany.

Its design is truly innovative and stunning, allowing grilles to be curved!

You gotta see our photos and read our exclusive interview with the inventor.

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Ex-GDS manager tells all

Ex-GDS ManagerYou’ve read our stories about GDS.

Now read this story from a long-time GDS manager.

Does he stand behind its leaders? Does he defend the company’s tactics? Does he conceal details about their practices?

(Hint: No.)

Here’s his tell-all story.

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Backup battery bill advances in California

Battery BackupsBIG tip for California dealers …

If new legislation continues to sail through the California legislature, you’ll want to do two things right away:

1. Start stocking up on residential openers with battery backups.
2. Unload your current inventory of openers without battery backups.

Why? We have the full story here.

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  Hass Door
  TNR Doors
  Miller Edge
  Precoat Metals
  DKS DoorKing  
  Northwest Doors  

D+AS Insider is emailed quarterly to about 5,000 professionals in the door and access systems industry. Door + Access Systems newsmagazine is mailed quarterly to 20,000 industry professionals. Approximately 90 percent of our magazine readers are door and access systems dealers.

The magazine and this newsletter are published by the Door & Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA), North America’s primary association of manufacturers of garage doors, rolling doors, door and gate operating devices, high performance doors, and related products.



1300 Sumner Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2851
Phone 216-241-7333


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